This section provides information about LimeSDR XTRX gateware
Main block diagram
Top level file contains these main blocks:
Soft core CPU - VexRiscv CPU instance
Lime_top - blocks specific to lms7002m transceiver control and data transfer
Pcie_phy - PCIe block with physical interface and DMA
I2C0, I2C1, Lms_spi - communication interfaces to control onboard periphery
Flash - FPGA configuration FLASH memory access
Soft core CPU module
CPU module is a vexriscv_smp
core provided by LiteX. It is implemented as a cpu_type
parameter for the SoCCore
class, which is
the parent class for the top level of the gateware design.
The source code for the cpu can be found using this link.
Lime_top module
Block lime_top is a wrapper file for specific lms7002m transceiver control and data transfer blocks. Main blocks are following:
lms7002_top - lms7002 IC phy for sending/receiving digital IQ samples.
rx_path_top - receive path (LMS7002M -> FPGA -> HOST), responsible for packing IQ samples into packets and timestamp generation.
tx_path_top - transmit path (HOST -> FPGA -> LMS7002M), responsible for unpacking received packets into IQ samples and stream synchronization with timestamp.
Pcie_phy module
Pcie_phy is an instance of S7PCIEPHY
class, which is part of LitePCIe. Source code for LitePCIe can be found using this link.
I2C0, I2C1 modules
I2C0 and I2C1 modules are instances of I2CMaster
class provided by LiteX. Source code for the class can be found using this link.
Lms_spi module
Lms_spi module is an instance of SPIMaster
class provided by LiteX. Source code for the class can be found using this link.
Flash module
Flash module is an instance of S7SPIFlash
class provided by LiteX. Source code for the class can be found using this link.